Prevention & Education

Prevention & Education

The goal of Face to Face’s prevention education program is to reach those at highest risk of HIV infection with proven, evidence-based intervention strategies, strong supportive messaging, educational materials and condoms. Outreach workers engage individuals with high-risk behaviors in conversations about their awareness of HIV/STIs and risk reduction.

Participants are asked to answer survey/risk assessment questions, and are followed up with later to measure behavior changes. The development of relationships is crucial. This work is quite challenging since marginalized people, already stigmatized, often feel discomfort around issues of disclosure.

We work in close collaboration with local agencies that serve the homeless, veterans, Latinx, youth and women, and with drug treatment agencies, needle exchange programs, and mental health services, all of which greatly enhances our ability to find the most at risk individuals. Outreach workers make appropriate referrals to these community services that address cofactors and barriers to successful behavior change and often help clients follow up on referrals.

We consult with local residential facilities regarding their clientele and safer sex practices. These consultations have resulted in better relationships with high-risk individuals. Those we see in the residential facilities, we often see in the streets.

Our Speakers’ Bureau is presented annually to more than 1000 local students presented at no cost. We provide education about HIV transmission, progression, risk reduction and prevention, STI’s, substance use and opioid use disorders, harm reduction, as well as opioid overdose prevention. If you would like to request a training, please contact our offices at 707.544.1581.

We also provide education to individual trainers or groups, including how to administer naloxone (Narcan) and reverse an overdose.


Education is a core component of our prevention drop-in services

We provide Free, Confidential and Anonymous, rapid HIV testing at our office Tuesdays – Fridays from 9am to 4:30 pm.

Syringe Exchange as HIV prevention and harm reduction at our office Tuesdays – Fridays from 9am to 4:30 pm.

Want to learn more?

Try this Online Course: HIV Today: What Everyone Needs to Know

This no-cost interactive and self-paced 60-minute course from the California STD/HIV Prevention Training Center is designed for two audiences: the general public and a variety of providers who may be new to providing services to those at risk for and infected with HIV. It provides basic information about HIV and AIDS and is designed to provide a brief overview of topics such as transmission, disease progression, risk reduction, prevention, and health disparities.