Face to Face 40 Years logoHappy 2023! We’re ready to start the new year. 2022 was a year of growth and accomplishment, which followed such a staggering period of uncertainty in 2021. Our campaign to buy a van to provide services remotely was successful. It was a dream come true. I am inspired and deeply grateful for the F2F team, our community, and you, our supporters, for helping us turn our goals into realities.

2023 is our 40th anniversary and it is fitting to embark on new ventures to celebrate such a milestone year. Our mission to end HIV in Sonoma County is grounded in our humble, grassroots beginnings in 1983. Caring and compassionate people came together to provide love and support for people living with, and dying from, AIDS. Reviewing the stories of clients, families, and friends in preparation for this year, we simultaneously hold space for the grief and the beauty that define our past. Our hearts break when we think of the loss, but we are honored and humbled to be a part of this agency and its extraordinary history.

We celebrate 2023 with those memories in our hearts. They serve as motivation to continue to scale up the work. New HIV infections are on the rise again, as are overdose deaths and housing insecurity. Our work is more important than ever, and we are grateful for the chance to share with you all we have done and will do at Face to Face.

Thank you to our community for 40 years of support, and for your dedication to the people and history that make Face to Face who we are today.

Sara Brewer/Executive Director